Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Time Blogger, Long Time Reader

Well, after much consideration, I decided to start a blog like everyone else. I have gotten so many crafty ideas from all the blogs I've visited, I thought I could possibly help out some fellow scrappers. It may be awhile before any pictures actually get posted, as I am learning this blogging thing a little at a time, but I will try my best.

I must warn you, I love my kids (dogs), photography, scrapbooking, Twilight and Johnny Depp, especially as Jack Sparrow.... so that's mainly what I work with.

Currently, I am working on my Twilight Saga Scrapbook. At first, I thought I was crazy when I was considering starting this project, until I Googled and realized that I am certainly not alone. Heck, many Twilighters have already completed theirs! And I thought I came up with this idea all on my own.... well, I did, but apparently, I was not alone after all. So I look forward to sharing my pages with you all and I hope I can inspire at least one person out there. Wish me luck!